What is his grandmother Leonardo di Caprio. Elena Smirnova: The history of the Russian grandmother DiCaprio

November 3, 2019, 20:55

Leonardo di Caprio is one of the most famous and talented actors of modernity. In his filmography there are both melodramas, serious films, and fantastic militants, and the series. The actor was born and grew up in the United States, but more than once stressed that he was proud of his Russian roots.

Leonardo with grandparents in Karlovy Vary.

Leonardo's Russian blood went on the mother line, namely from the grandmother. The name of the grandmother Leonardo di Caprio - Elena Stepanovna Smirnova. It was under the same name that she was born in pre-revolutionary Russia and lived here the first years of his life. By the way, the exact information was unknown, where the Smirnov family came from. There is evidence that the Russian grandmother Leonardo di Caprio was from Perm. Other sources are called the city of Odessa or Kherson region. However, Leo himself got used to say simply - "from Russia."

After the revolution, Elena's parents immigrated to Germany, where the girl has grown. Here her name was changed to German or began to call Helen. When Helen matured, she married the German Wilhelm Excribe and took his last name. The girl was born in their family who called Irmelin. Grandmother and grandfather Leonardo di Kaprio held in fascist Germany. Helen herself in one of the interviews told that her daughter Irmelin was born in 1943 in a bomb shelter during the airline.

Leonardo parents.

Leo with mom.

With Dad.

"I know that if in Russia they consider you a" real man "is a serious compliment. My grandmother was Russian - Smirnova - and for me she is the embodiment of inner strength and integrity. She passed through poverty, war and emigration. Grandma, grandfather and other relatives on their part - real strong Russians with difficult fate, which did not break them. I can't comment, as far as I am the "real man", but if I have something like that, then it is from them. And the more I meet in the life of people, the more I understand that my Russian grandmother and grandfather were the most "real". Even during periods of deaf launchers and despair in them there was a rod and a sense of self-esteem, which I am very little in whom, "he told in one of his interviews.

Leo with mom and grandmother in the break between the filming of the film "Titanic".

Grandmother Leonardo DiCaprio Helen Indebirken (neborn Elena Stepanovna Smirnova) died in 2008 aged 93 years. Leonardo in many interviews notes the contribution of the grandmother, which she contributed to the formation of its nature and upbringing, as well as how truthful, honest and loving woman she was.

Representatives of the media, as a rule, are called Leonardo di Caprio by American actor: he was actually born in the United States. However, Russian roots also have in his pedigree. So, the grandmother of the actor Helen Indidarken to the revolution was completely different.

Hitlerovskaya Germany

Elena Stepanovna Smirnova - the grandmother Leonardo di Caprio would be Meld if she had remained at home in Russia. However, Smirnov's family left the depreciation during the revolution and left for Germany. They began to call her daughter to the German way, so Elena turned into Helen.

When Helen grew, married Germans. Now she has a new surname - an indiecken, with which to live in fascist Germany was much calmer than with the former. Fortunately, helen's parents are somehow Miraculously managed to avoid persecution and arrests.

In 1943, the competence of the Indinărs appeared a daughter - the future mother of Leonardo di Caprio. The girl was born in a bomb shelter, where at that time family members were hiding from bombing.

The girl was given the name of Itmelin. Of course, the birth of a daughter was one of the happiest moments in Elena's life. Nevertheless, until the end of his days she recalled life in Nazi Germany as heavy and terrible times.

America and again Germany

When the war is over, the deliberates decided to leave. In the early 1950s, they went to the United States and settled in New York, where they joined the German community.

Life walked as her! In 1974, the family was replenished again. Elena Stepanovna appeared grandson Leonardo. When he was 11 years old, grandparents returned to Germany. With Leo, Elena Stepanovna has always been an excellent relationship. The actor regularly came to visit her grandmother, and he in turn visited America.

Many Hollywood actors known for the whole world, directors and producers were born in the families of immigrant immigrants from the Russian Empire or the USSR.Edition "Culturology" collected a list of those who in the family were Odessa grandmothers.

Leonardo di Caprio

Leo never hidden the fact that his grandmother, Helen ancient, was known as Elena Stepanovna Smirnov. Most sources call her homeland Odessa, but some indicate the Kherson region of Ukraine. After the revolution, his grandmother with his family emigrated to Germany, where he remained during World War II.

The mother of the future star Hollywood was born in a bomb shelter during the airline. Loo inherited his last name from his father with Italo-German roots.

After the end of the war, Elena Stepanovna and her husband moved to the United States. When in 1974 her grandson appeared, she became the closest man for him and was constantly next to him. Leonardo Di Caprio always spoke of his grandmother with great love and respect and often appeared in front of the cameras with her. The actor admired her will and was confident that her character harden the tests experienced in youth: "For me, grandmother is the embodiment of inner strength and integrity. She passed through poverty, war and emigration. Grandma, grandfather and other relatives on their part - people with difficult fate, which did not break them. "

In an interview, Di Caprio repeatedly stated that it was her upbringing in many respects formed him as a person. He burned heavily, when in 2008 his beloved grandmother left life aged 93 years.

Sydney Pollak

Actor, director and producer Sidney Pollak, who received Oscar for the film "From Africa" \u200b\u200band the nomination for the comedy "Tutsi", was also born in the emigrant family - his grandfather and her grandparents were Odessa Jews. But Sydney Pollak himself was born in Indiana and considered himself one hundred percent American.

"For me, the long-standing emigration of parents from Odessa is exclusively from the field of family legends," he said.

Woof Goldberg

This is how difficult it is to suspect Odessa roots, so this is a woven Goldberg, but it really is. Her great-grandmother on the maternal line was also a birth from Odessa, where she lived half of her life. Emigrating in the United States, she settled in New York. The actress has always emphasized that its character is obliged to ancestors: "All women in my family were strong personalities. They never called themselves feminists, did not utter high-profile words, but everything that happened inside the family was happening on their initiative. From them I inherited the habit of all the troubles with humor. "

Steven Spielberg

The director of the cult films "Schindler List", "Indiana Jones" and "Back to the Future" does not like to talk about his ancestors and their homeland - due to dramatic circumstances, forced them to emigrate. Grandmother of the director on the motherboard - Odessa. Together with his family, she left the country during the Holocaust. Although Spielberg does not like to remember these tragic events, but he does not deny his roots and admits that there was a favorite dish in their family for many years.

Sylvester Stallone

According to his father, the actor is Siclian, but his mother was Franco-Jewish origin with Odessa roots. The family of his grandmother rose owned by a jewelry store in Odessa. After the revolution, they emigrated first to France, and then in the United States. In the mid-1980s, Mother Stallone with the help of Mikhail Gorbachev found his Odessa relatives and visited his homeland.

The actor admitted: "I suddenly felt that I was much more maternal than Italian fatherly genes."

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Today, all of them are the actors, directors and producers known to the whole world, but these stars would never be lit, if there were no ancestors of their ancestors. Most Hollywood actors are proud of their roots, but some prefer not to mention their relatives ...

Leonardo di Caprio never hidden the fact that his grandmother, helen ancient, was known as Elena Stepanovna Smirnov. Most sources call her homeland Odessa, but some indicate the Kherson region of Ukraine. After the revolution, his grandmother with his family emigrated to Germany, where he remained during World War II. The mother of the future star Hollywood was born in a bomb shelter during the airline. Loo inherited his last name from his father with Italo-German roots.

After the end of the war, Elena Stepanovna and her husband moved to the United States. When in 1974 her grandson appeared, she became the closest man for him and was constantly next to him. Leonardo Di Caprio always spoke of his grandmother with great love and respect and often appeared in front of the cameras with her. The actor admired her will and was confident that her character harden the tests experienced in youth: " For me, your grandmother is the embodiment of internal strength and integrity. She passed through poverty, war and emigration. Grandma, grandfather and other relatives on their part - people with difficult fate, which did not break them" In an interview, Di Caprio repeatedly stated that it was her upbringing in many respects formed him as a person. He burned heavily, when in 2008 the beloved grandmother left life aged 93 years.

Actor, director and producer Sidney Pollak, who received the Oscar premium for the film "From Africa" \u200b\u200band the nomination for the comedy "Tutsi", was also born in an emigrant family - and his grandfather with a grandparents, and their parents were Odessa Jews. But Sydney Pollak himself was born in Indiana and considered himself one hundred percent American. " For me, the long-standing emigration of parents from Odessa is exclusively from the field of family legends"He said.

This is how difficult it is to suspect Odessa roots, so this is a woven Goldberg, but it really is. Her great-grandmother on the maternal line was also a birth from Odessa, where she lived half of her life. Emigrating in the United States, she settled in New York. The actress has always emphasized that its character is obliged to ancestors: " All women in my family were strong personalities. They never called themselves feminists, did not utter high-profile words, but everything that happened inside the family was happening on their initiative. From them I inherited the habit of all troubles with humor».

Star of Hollywood Stephen Spielberg, director of the film "Schindler List", "Indiana Jones", "Back to the Future", does not like to talk about his ancestors and their homeland - due to dramatic circumstances that made them emigrate. Grandmother of the director on the motherboard - Odessa. Together with his family, she left the country during the Holocaust. Although Spielberg does not like to remember these tragic events, but he does not deny his roots and admits that there was a favorite dish in their family for many years.

For the Father actor Silvester Stallone - Sicilian, but his mother was Franco-Jewish origin with Odessa roots. The family of his grandmother rose owned by a jewelry store in Odessa. After the revolution, they emigrated first to France, and then in the United States. In the mid-1980s. Mother Stallone with the help of Mikhail Gorbachev found his Odessa relatives and visited his homeland. The actor admitted: " I suddenly felt that I was much more maternal than Italian fatherly genes».

Suites from emigrant families in Hollywood a lot. .

Elena Stepanovna Smirnova - the grandmother Leonardo di Caprio would be Meld if she had remained at home in Russia. However, Smirnov's family left the depreciation during the revolution and fled to Germany. They decided to call his daughter to the German way, so she turned into Helen.

When she grew up, he married a German. Now she has a new surname - an excreable, with which to live in the then Germany was much calmer than with the former. Although even parents helen some miracle managed to avoid persecution and arrests.

In 1943, the merchants had a daughter - the future mother of Leonardo di Caprio. This is a joyful event in the shelter, where family members were hidden from bombing.

The girl was given the name of Itmelin. Of course, the birth of a daughter was one of the happiest pages in the life of Elena. Nevertheless, until the end of his days, she recalled life in Nazi Germany as severe and even terrible times.
